Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A little guidance

All of us have those people from our 
past that taught us valuable life lessons. 
There are so many things we can learn 
from others, simply because no one 
has the same life experiences and wisdom. We 
are completely unique in everything we know and 
how we came to know it. 

That being said, I want to say 
thank you to a special nursing instructor 
whose advice always comes back to me while I am 
at my job caring for my patients. 
Mrs.M was a tough teacher... I dreaded turning in 
my clinical documentation/assessments/care plans 
to her every week because I knew she would
use her handy weapon (a pink highlighter) and 
mark up every page. 
But it made me a better nurse. 
One thing I was told in my review recently is I 
have great documentation skills, which is always
a good thing. It's most likely
thanks to Mrs.M. 

I was very lucky to have her... she currently is living in the 
southeast US enjoying sunshine. She isn't an 
instructor anymore, but there are plenty of us out there
who probably thank our lucky stars she was ours :)

Our clinical group from first semester of nursing school :)

Monday, July 29, 2013

It's been 20 days...

...since my last post. 
Where did 20 days go??!!
I have been super busy working shifts, going to staff meetings, 
and having issues with allergies that have kept me at 
home with a swollen face. 

What has happened in the last 20 days? 
I got accepted to Arizona State University to start my BSN degree. 
I am thinking maybe a dual-degree in journalism would be awesome, no? 

My sister and her family have also moved back to Arizona 
after being in Colorado while her husband was in vet school. 
He is now a fully licensed vet who will be working with furry 
patients at a clinic in north Phoenix. 

I have been working a ton and feeling so exhausted after
each shift I just sit in my house watching Les Mis with
a cup of coffee. 
I have had some really sweet patients the last few shifts, 
which is nice for a change. I'm not exactly saying 
I expect people to be less than pleasant, 
but it happens when people aren't feeling well. 
People tend to forget I am human too, with only two
hands and limited patience. 
It was nice to have a steady day with pleasant people who remembered
to say please and thank you :) 

With all the work, I have to make some time for play. 
I am thinking a trip to Sequoia National Park will do the trick. 
Life for me isn't much fun if I am at home getting stagnant. I need 
to see and do new things to refresh my mind! 

That being said, locally there are some fun things going on to 
help with the boredom... 

The Farmer's Market Jamboree started in my hometown 
that is happening every Thursday for a few months. 
Fresh veggies, fantastic local music, and summer evenings. 
What could be better? 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New Grad Blues

I have three days off. 

So... sometimes I feel like I really suck at my job. 
I felt reaaaaallllllly bad for the night nurse
who took my group last night because I missed
orders, didn't get a chance to empty all my 
surgical drains, 
forgot to change IV tubing, and had a patient 
with an extremely high blood sugar and didn't give him
his insulin right away because I was waiting
on a resident to put in orders (I really should have just given
the already ordered insulin). 
Today went so much smoother... I'm not sure what 
happened yesterday; I had a patient whose room
I just couldn't get out of plus discharges and transfers.
Not anything out of the ordinary, but still... just weird. 
I wanted to cry in the bathroom. 

"Dear Kevin... I am sorry I am incompetent and that
you probably had a very hellacious night because 
I forgot a lot of things. If you forgive me, I'll leave my blinds 
open all weekend" 

Don't ask about that last part. 

Anyway. I felt extremely stupid. 
I am so exhausted from working as a nurse
plus all the things I have had to take care of 
since my dad died. 
I am so overwhelmed. 

I have heard it's normal for new nurses to get the blues
while adjusting to their job. 
I think I am doing fairly okay... day shift is just so busy and 
I have so many people pulling me in so many directions 
that it makes my head spin. 
Then I come home and my head spins even more
because I am still depressed over my dad's death
and I worry about the business plus I have my 
own life (or lack thereof?) to think about. 

Oh well... life moves on. It always works out some way or another. 
A year ago I couldn't see my way clear and had no 
idea how to live without my dad in my life. 
And here I am. 
Living and shit. 

Things will get better. The company will take care of itself. 
Someday I will not feel like an idiot everyday at work. 

Time for bed. I am cranky and want to be in stretchy pants. 

Oh... P.S.: I had a patient (who was very cantankerous and demented)
ask if I was pregnant or recently so. She also asked if the night nurse
or the tech (both men who have the same name) knocked me up. 
Maybe not so many lattes at work. 
Diet time? 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

For the Birds

Working four shifts in a week is for the birds. 
It really is. 
It's about as pleasant as an itchy rectum. 

Luckily I had a couple days off for the weekend. 
I am already burnt out on all the rude people I have to work with. 
My group of patients were really starting to grind on me. 
I really do have empathy and I will bend over backwards to help a person
who wants to take care of themselves and takes their health seriously. 

I am a nurse. My job is to help you overcome illness and 
encourage healthy practices. 
It is not my job to be your waitress, I am not a drug dealer, and 
I am not paid to wait on you hand and foot. 
Being in the hospital is a rehabilitation process... it 
is not a hotel where you expect the staff to give you 
four star meals and fluff your pillow when you have two working arms. 
I don't appreciate the sense of entitlement. 

Anyways... I had a break, and I am sad it's coming to an end tomorrow. 
Four months and I am already feeling like I need
a vacation. 
Oy vey. 

This weekend Robyn came for the weekend and we kayaked, went 
out for beers, shopped, and ate delicious food. 
We went out with some of my former co-workers from the 
laboratory dept where I used to work. 
What a group. 
It was a good weekend. 

My recommendation is to not drink two 25 oz limearitas
while kayaking... especially when a thunderstorm is rolling in. 
Those limearitas are potent. 
So we took out early, ended up calling my mom because we left
our keys in the car, and slept on top of our 'yaks 
while it was storming out. 
I'm not sure how we wind up in these situations. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Tough Week for Arizona

Many of you have probably heard on the news over
the weekend that 19 members of the 
Granite Mountain Hotshot firefighter crew were killed
battling a fire in Yarnell, AZ. 

It's very somber here in the county as we all reflect on these
deaths and the families these brave men left behind. 
Firefighters lost their lives, and many people have lost their homes as well. 
Flags are flying at half mast... it brings tears to my eyes and my heart aches
for these families. 

For more information on these brave men, click here to view
a page created in their honor. 
The wildfire situation in Arizona is terrible right now... there are multiple fires
occurring in the state right now. 
Please pray for healing, pray for rain, and pray for those affected by this tragedy. 
My heart goes out to the families of the firefighters and the people
who have lost their homes this weekend. 
Much love to you all. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Arizona Rain

It's starting to be my favorite time of year... 
when we hit the rainy season in Arizona. 
I love the smell of wet dirt, rainbows, and the 
beautiful sunsets and clouds that 
come with the summer storms. 
I do NOT love that my swamp cooler doesn't
work so great when it's humid outside. I think it
may be time to invest in an air conditioner. 

I just got done working three in a row. That
is whole gig is for the birds. 
I am so exhausted, I don't even have the 
energy to take Jock to the park
or water my plants. 
The first shift, 
I wanted to accidentally break my leg
so I didn't have to go back the next day. 
The second day wasn't so terrible. 
Yesterday wasn't so terrible either. 
With nursing, how the day goes depends
on your patient. And people are 

Ah well, two days off and then back for
another three. I will enjoy my rest and my sleep while I can! 

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