Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Strep will take the pep outta your step

I am at home with my throat aching... 
if you could imagine your throat being clawed open by a rabid
grizzly, then you would have an idea of how I am feeling today. 

I am sick and irritated. I just spent three awesome days in Disneyland with 
my favorite co-worker and a friend. I was ready 
to hit the unit today like a hurricane. I was going to pass meds, listen to lungs, 
and question orders like no one's business. 
But this morning, that came to a screeching halt. 

My day goes like this:

0500: Wake with a raging sore throat. Hurry to the loo and proceed
to clutch the porcelain throne while my bowels take revenge for
every piece of spicy food I've subjected them to. 

0530: Try calling clinical resources to tell them I can't come to work... because 
I am fairly sure I have dengue fever or some other whack disease. 

0545: Keep getting directed to multiple wrong phone numbers. Start to cry a little.

0600: Finally get in contact with clinical resources. After being on the 
receiving end of snarky comments like 'It's 0600 and you are supposed to be
here in an hour... and you are just now calling in?" 
 And in my head I think "I am fairly sure I could be dying. Spare me."

0700: Tell my mother I am sick... revert back to childhood behavior and request
medicine, coffee, and to tuck me in. 

0900: Answer door for my mom; proceed to ingest a latte, tylenol, and chicken soup. 
Then proceed to vomit. 

1200: Wake up from a short nap. Wonder why I don't feel awesome yet. 

1400: Admit defeat and that I could actually have something worth a trip to the 
urgent care. 

1500: Answer the door for the UPS man: who accidentally blurts "Holy...... wow, are
you okay?!" 
I wasn't sure if he was referring to the onesie pajamas with cats on them, my
Star Wars hoodie encrusted with dried soup, or my approaching death 
etched on my face. 

1630: Mom picks me up. I go to urgent care. 

1700: Doctor tells me he likes me hoodie... although he surely saw the 
soup stains and smelled how pungent it was. 

1730: Leave urgent care with a dx of strep throat and a prescription 
in hand. 

1900: Take a bath. Take antibiotics. Break out in a rash because I am allergic to everything on the gah-damn planet. Flop my bed and take two benadryl. Wait for the stupor to take over. 

I also didn't swallow my antibiotic fast enough. It's a large pill 
that I couldn't swallow on the first try. I have the gag reflex of a cat. 
So the pill started to break down in my mouth. 
Now my mouth tastes funny. 

Praying for a better tomorrow.

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