Sunday, March 9, 2014

A grasp on gratitude

Taking Missy out for walks 
is kind of how I like to 
indulge my brain. 
I just let random thoughts 
stream through my brain without interruption. 
<I wonder what it's like to be a narhwal>
<I actually felt like a great nurse on my Friday shift>
<I wonder if my calves will fit in my new boots>
<Why do lizards like to hang out in my sink?> 
blah blah blah. 
I haven't had a chance to go out
recently, so naturally my mind is full 
of anxiety-ridden thoughts and 
My soon to be ex-permanent-roommate has succeeded
in making my life thouroughly
unpleasant. I spend hours every week 
doing statistics and calculus homework 
that I honestly don't really understand
but just do the formulas
so I can get semi-decent grades. 
And I HATE it. 
 I go to work and deal with fellow 
nurses who try to walk all over
me because I am young
or are lazy and don't 
take care of their patients. 
And then they get irritated when I have the 
cojones to question their
judgement or put my foot down. 
I've realized that I have
come to depend on my time
with my perro as the
one chance I get to concentrate
on other things. 
Just breathing, pondering, walking, navigating, 
and occasionally chasing 
my dog who is chasing a fox. 
I am lucky. 
I am lucky to have good things to reflect
over during those hikes. 
My life isn't terrible. 
I have so much to be happy about. 
Taking time for yourself (like hiking with the dog) to reflect
on the good stuff is a step towards a happier life.

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