Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Paddling the 'yaks

Today was a glorious day. 
That's right... I said GLORIOUS. 
I know that's a word usually reserved for 
like, a Greek god. Or something. 

BUT, today I took my kayak down the Verde River with my 
friend Rita in tow, and I have to say it was a perfect day. 
Not too hot, a little windy, the water not too cold, perfect clear-green. 
We saw lots of butterflies, turtles, herons, finches and blue jays. 
It was a nature-gasm. 
Plus I spent it with one of my dear friends who is back home until tomorrow.
My favorite kind of day. 

I grew up paddling the Verde River with Dad; a long time ago when I was 
a kid he used to own a river guide service (River Otter Canoe Co.) that rented
river equipment and would guide people down the Verde (which, if you go
far enough, can get pretty ugly in some places). 

Being on the river doing something he used to love makes me feel closer
to him. I wish I had taken more advantage of 
his knowledge; I have pictures of the guy
going over waterfalls and class IV rapids like nobody's business. 
He also knew the local river like the back of his hand. 

So, today I was glad I got to get out and do something we both enjoyed doing together. 

 Paddling the lower run from White Bridge to Beasely Flats

Have you ever had a pair of Chacos? BEST RIVER SHOES EVER. 

 A turtle perched on the rocky bank; he was a little disgruntled I paddled so close

Rocking the braided pigtails! 

Love how green and pretty the view was today

Our take out at Beasely Flats... 

Now that I am properly sunburned and hungry, I am off to meet Rita for 
some chow and then I need to study. Tele class tomorrow! Eeeeek! 

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