Thursday, May 9, 2013

Already Jaded?

Today was probably as a good a day as work will ever be. It was just a steady, easygoing day. Except for one thing. 

Now, don't misunderstand me. I love my job when I can 
make a difference or bring someone comfort when they aren't feeling well. 
But there are some people that really make me question humanity nowadays. 

Today I had the misfortune of dealing with a difficult patient
that was plainly just unpleasant and rude. 
I don't mind difficult people, or even the rudeness when it's directed at me.
I'm there to do my job and make sure that person gets well, no matter their attitude.
This person was very sick and is seeing the 
results of the abuse that he has done to his body
over many years. 
That doesn't bother me... your choices are your own. 
Respect or trash your body however you please. 
What I found so hard to deal with though, was this patient
being mean to his father. 
When a parent flies from across the country to be at your 
bedside, they deserve your thanks... not curse words. 
This poor elderly gentleman (who was so kind and nice) has 
to endure his child yelling at him, being unreasonable, 
and never recieving any appreciation. 
It's true, I don't know the whole story or the complete dynamic of their relationship. 
But it was apparent to me that this father just 
wanted his son to get better and be more responsible for himself. 
All day this patient was rude to me. Everytime 
I did something for this patient, his father
said thank you, or apologized that I had to take care of his son. 
That really broke my heart. 

I cried on the way home from work for the first time... and not because
I was a stressed out new grad. It was
 because this person felt they
had to apologize for someone else's (a grown adult, mind you) behavior. 
At the time I said "That's okay, no worries" or "please don't feel you have to apologize,
I am just doing my job".
I asked if there is anything if I could
get him. All day I constantly checked with him to see if there
was anything I could do for this guy.
 I wish I had said more. I'm not sure what, but maybe something
more comforting. I don't know. 
If I ever get sick like that, I won't have a dad there to help me like this patient did. 

The whole thing just makes me really sad :( 

Anyway, I'll stop rambling. More heart rhthym training tomorrow. My head hurts. 

Praying for comfort for that father, and that I pass my quiz 


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